A review by zoldyeck
Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard


"The elite male citizen could be summed up as vir bonus dicendi peritus, 'a good man, skilled in speaking'. A woman speaking in public was, in most circumstances, by definition, not a woman."

I don't know what to say about this book, but the first word that comes to my mind when I think of it is 'lacking'.
"WOMEN & POWER" is a powerful title for a book—to me, at least. This title grabbed my attention and drew me to the book but the content did not keep me hooked. I picked it up expecting to know more about the category of 'women' in relation to power, especially that this book is so recent. However, I didn't read anything interesting in this book. I think that the information in this book is accessible everywhere and the author's comments/ideas weren't special in any way. I don't know... I just felt that it didn't contribute to the discussion of gender power relations.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.