A review by thewoollygeek
Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win by Susan Azim Boyer


I couldn’t get enough of this book, as someone who grew up in the 80s it felt so good going back to an almost familiar childhood. This is such a fast-paced read, I almost read it in one sitting if I hadn’t needed to work next morning I would have ! Jasmine is such a fantastic character, by that I mean I love that she’s not perfect , but has flaws and foibles. I think an important thing with this is probing time and again sadly how little changes , shady politics, intolerance and racism in times of hardships, bad foreign policies (western world not just US). I know over time we’ve made so much progress, but this alstroemeria highlights how it’s never as much as is needed. I really enjoyed this and recommend it to not only fans of YA, but anyone with humanity in them

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion