A review by tammy216
Find Me by Romily Bernard


Find Me is one of those books that keeps you interested from start to finish. Our main character Wick is a hacker and a foster kid. Wick was raised with an abusive, criminal father and a mother who committed suicide. While Wick's sister Lily is determined to make this foster home work Wick is always ready to run and has one foot out the door. When a classmate, Tessa, commits suicide and her dairy is left on Wick's doorstep with a note that says "Find Me" Wick has to decide whether or not she will use her hacking skills to find out who raped and abused Tessa.

Wick is a really interesting character. She trusts no one and is always prepared for the worst. While her sister is bright and optimistic Wick prefers to be realistic. Wick has a very low opinion of herself which is understandable considering the amount of times she is looked down upon or called "trash" throughout the book. The one person who seems to see all the good sides of Wick is Griff, he is the only one who doesn't judge her.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. Wick was a great main character. I appreciate how smart and savvy she is and I understand her choices and motivations. The only problem I had was that I figured out the mystery pretty early on. I hoped I wasn't right but I was, even so I still enjoyed the book and the reveals as it came to an end. Definitely and enjoyable read for anyone who likes a good mystery and a strong leading character.