A review by bfdbookblog
Levi's Blue by M. Leighton


I wasn’t sure what to expect when reading this story and there’s not a whole lot I can say in my review that wouldn’t be spoiler-ish and I definitely can’t do that as it would ruin the book for anyone that read this. I will say that the writing is really good, almost poetic or lyrical. I love the banter between Evie and Levi, they seem perfect for each other. I love Evie’s strength and what she does for a living; she is truly inspiring. Levi almost seems too good to be true, but that turns out that he is exactly as perfect as he seems in the end. Even as lighthearted as they are at times, this is an extremely emotional read. Once I picked it up, it was hard to put down. There were several great side characters and a couple of really ugly side characters.

My one big issue with the story is I read a story 3 years ago with an eerily similar plotline and that made this story really predictable to me…the big ‘surprise’ around the 75% mark wasn’t a surprise at all for me. This dropped my rating from 5 stars to 4.