A review by clombardi27
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Tony Schwartz, Jim Loehr


This book took me the better part of a year to read. I instituted the principals as I read and I just loved it. It was all backed by science (sources cited!) and the authors were able to support their direction with evidence, which made it so much more compelling.

I also loved that they acknowledged our humanity… like we don’t have much will power and resting is necessary. It corroborated what I’m starting to notice everywhere; everything has ebbs and flows. Day/night sleep/awake summer/winter hibernation/active tide in/tide out… over and over we see these natural oscillations in the world but then we hold ourselves to 24/7 high performance with no rest. It doesn’t add up.

This is a great book for people who think they are lazy, don’t get enough done, never have enough hours in a day, don’t know how to relax, or simply want to be more energized. Over all, just such a good book