A review by libraryforspooky
My Husband by Maud Ventura


4.75 - it just didn’t have the five star spark.

*My Husband* by Maud Ventura is an intense, deeply psychological novel that offers a unique and unnerving glimpse into the mind of a woman obsessed with her husband. From the very first page, the reader is drawn into the protagonist's world, where love and obsession are inextricably intertwined. This is not a typical love story; it's a complex exploration of marriage, control, and the often hidden dynamics that exist within intimate relationships.

The novel is told entirely from the perspective of the wife, whose name we never learn. She is a woman who appears to have it all—a beautiful home, a successful husband, and a seemingly perfect life. But beneath the surface, she is consumed by her love for her husband, to the point where it becomes all-encompassing. Every day, she meticulously observes him, analyzing his every word, gesture, and expression. She keeps a mental tally of his actions, from the smallest glance to the slightest touch, constantly interpreting them as signs of his love—or lack thereof.

This obsessive love is both captivating and unsettling. Ventura brilliantly captures the internal monologue of a woman who is hyper-aware of her husband yet increasingly disconnected from herself. Her thoughts are filled with doubts, anxieties, and questions that often go unspoken. She carefully curates her behavior and appearance, trying to maintain the illusion of perfection while privately unraveling. The tension between her inner turmoil and the outward facade she presents creates a gripping narrative that keeps readers on edge.

What sets *My Husband* apart from other novels about marriage is Ventura's ability to make the protagonist's obsession feel both relatable and alien. While her behavior is extreme, the underlying emotions—fear of rejection, desire for validation, and the need for control—are universal. Many readers will find themselves recognizing aspects of their own relationships in the protagonist's thoughts, even as they are horrified by the lengths she goes to maintain her sense of security.

The novel is also a sharp critique of societal expectations of women, particularly within the context of marriage. The protagonist's obsession is, in part, fueled by the pressure to be the perfect wife. She is constantly aware of how she is perceived by others, and much of her anxiety stems from the fear that she is not living up to the ideal of the devoted, flawless partner. Ventura explores the ways in which these expectations can warp a person's sense of self and lead to unhealthy behaviors.

Despite its dark themes, *My Husband* is also laced with moments of dark humor. The protagonist's hyper-awareness and intense scrutiny of her husband often lead to absurd, almost comical situations. Ventura's writing is sharp and witty, and she uses humor to highlight the absurdity of the protagonist's obsession without diminishing the emotional weight of the story.

As the novel progresses, the tension builds, and the protagonist's obsession becomes increasingly destructive. The reader is left wondering how far she will go in her quest to maintain control over her husband and whether she will ultimately push him away. The ending is both satisfying and thought-provoking, leaving readers with lingering questions about the nature of love, control, and the fine line between devotion and obsession.

In conclusion, *My Husband* is a powerful, unsettling, and beautifully written novel that delves deep into the complexities of marriage and the darker sides of love. Maud Ventura has crafted a story that is both captivating and disturbing, with a protagonist whose voice is impossible to forget. It's a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page, making you question your own relationships and the lengths you're willing to go to hold onto the ones you love. This novel deserves its five-star rating for its sharp insights, compelling narrative, and masterful portrayal of obsession.