A review by jakewritesbooks
He Died With His Eyes Open by Derek Raymond


(4.5) I often find books that attempt to double as sociological tourism too didactic, too beholden to their atmosphere and the writer's persuasion. There are points to be made in an op-ed, whereas I just want to read a good mystery story. However, while the central mystery was interesting here, this book functions as a hellish descent into Margaret Thatcher's England. It might have rated 5-stars but I didn't like one of the plot points in the back half, can't say what without giving it away. Still, it's surprisingly philosophical about its time and place whilst being critical of its existence. It buoyed the unnamed detective from drowning in the same cynicism that many detectives/investigators/PIs happily swim in by giving him a purpose beyond solving the murder for the sake of. I will have to read the rest of this series.