A review by jfranco77
Palace of Treason by Jason Matthews


Dominika Egorova and Nate Nash are back. Dominka is back at the SVR and working her way up the ladder, despite her boss trying to kill her. Nate is running a new GRU agent out of Greece. There's an American traitor who is trying to leak Domi's name, and the CIA is trying to track them down before he can do it.

I like the fact that Domi and Nate are often working on different cases or different agents, or even different pieces of the same puzzle. All the story lines work, tying loosely together and holding my attention without feeling forced. There's lots of good action and the story is very gritty. It's clear that Jason Matthews has been there and done that.

I'm giving this one 5 stars... it's a really strong 4.5+, probably closer to 4.75, and the last one, which I gave 4 stars, was probably 4.5. So the average works.