A review by screamdogreads
Howls from the Dark Ages: An Anthology of Medieval Horror by Solomon Forse, P.L. McMillan


Whatever your preferred style of horror, be it body horror, occultism, ghost stories, or anything in between, there's something here for you. Locked away inside this deliciously dark tome are stories of witches and of demons, of moral men, and of sinners. You'll be transported across the lands of Western Europe, Asia, and Africa, and further still. In a style akin to that of The Wicked Library, these stories are broken up by a macabre narrator, a guide who's giving you, the reader, a tour of a rather curious museum.

Of course, as with any anthology, some stories will stand out more than others. While every story here is brilliantly written, and there isn't a single story that could be considered a flop, naturally, some stood out above the rest. The Fourth Scene and Brother Cornelius were my favorites, but of course, this is personal preference. 

Everything about this collection is utterly fantastic, the stories, the execution, how it's all tied together, even the illustrations, there's nothing here that you can't love.