A review by thewrightsage
Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering by David A. Kessler


As a psychological framework, "capture" has solid evidence that supports its existence. However, as a book, Capture is flimsy at best, and completely pointless at its worst.

If you want to read this book and understand what capture is, I suggest reading the first chapter and the first chapter only. The first chapter describes what capture is, and if the book stopped there, I would give it 5 stars. But the the remaining pages go through a meandering and pointless excursion through a curbside puddle pretending to be a great river of knowledge so poorly that trudging through the pages are reminiscent of being burned in the fiery pits of hell on a Thursday afternoon in March.

Essentially, Capture failed fantastically in its effort to capture my attention and the only reason why I finished this book is because I was on a very long drive and had no other reading material at hand, but I'm fairly sure that my passengers were equally dismayed as I complained.

Nonetheless, I truly admire the work that Dr Kessler has done in recognizing that these patterns of behavior are tied to serious mental illness. I am not rating the research, which was great and admirable, but rather the way in which it has been displayed. The writing was solid, but the presentation of the material was seriously lacking.

Two stars because of the first chapter.