A review by alexauthorshay
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Murderer? (New Edition) by Ed Brubaker


Having seen this in physical copy a few years ago, I forgot how big it actually was. Altogether, it didn't take that long to read, but 600 pages of a comic is a lot of comic to read.
The concept intrigued me. I knew I'd be missing a bit of info since I didn't and probably won't ever read the comics that lead up to this. I wasn't missing as much as I thought, because the comics I have read before were somewhat in line with the timeline of this one. But still a fair bit, like the new Batgirl and Spoiler.
I figured the whole case would be solved in this one volume, too, given it's size, but nope, there's a sequel. I just care about who framed Batman, so the comics that come in between with Batman kicking bad guy butt and taking down drug triads is kind of whatever for me. They aren't bad, but I'm not inherently interested in them. I don't entirely see how they connect to the plot as a whole, either, other than the fact that it is a Batman comic and we need to know what he's doing while his team cleans up his mess, I guess.