A review by amandagstevens
Who Buries the Dead by C.S. Harris


My binge continues, and I regret nothing. The plots are intricate but not convoluted, the answers to the mysteries well thought out, the murderers given convincing motivation, the red herrings never too absurd. But even more important, Harris is masterful at keeping me invested, flavoring every murder mystery with some deeply personal element for Sebastian. I'm also in love with the growing love between him and Hero, the slow maturing of their marriage and their ability to open up to one another though this relationship began on such rocky ground.

Reviewer critiques of the series aren't all wrong. A formula emerges after a while; Sebastian tends to solve murders by grilling his suspects pointblank, returning to grill some more when he discovers they've lied to him, etc. One or more people are typically trying to kill him in every single book, and his poor forearms are always catching the knife intended to deliver a mortal wound. But honestly, do I care about a few formulaic elements? No, I do not. What I care about: Sebastian. Unearthing his past, seeking justice and truth, learning how to be a husband and a father...ah, I love this guy. Bingeing onward.