A review by sonja_ahrb
Contempt by Sam Mariano


I’ve been so excited for Parker and Landon’s book since Undertow and as soon as I was able to, I downloaded and started Contempt! More than that, I actually spent most of my free time reading it instead of doing something else which has pretty much been the norm for me this whole year. Contempt was just so compelling to me, I lived for the interactions between Landon and Parker before they got together officially and was always looking forward to the next one and after they did get together? I was totally over the moon, I just loved them so much! Landon and Parker are for sure my favorite couple in this series and I think they’re one of my favorite Sam Mariano couples in general as well!

I really feel that same way about this book as a whole — Contempt was so amazing! I loved everything and all the characters — I even like Anae in this book and I absolutely hated her in Even if it Hurts. I mean, yes, she’s still a crazy psycho, but she just cracked me up in this book and I couldn’t help but like her. It was weird but undeniable. I loved getting to see more of Hannah and her and Parker’s friendship is so wonderful and I can’t wait for her book! The thing I loved the most was definitely Landon and Parker’s relationship, especially once they were together. They’re just so sweet together and almost felt like they were in domestic bliss practically immediately. There were stumbling blocks, but seeing how they work together just made my heart all warm and gooey — I love, love, LOVE this book!

~ Sonja, 5 Stars