A review by avesmaria
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein


I've been meaning to read this book for a while and finally borrowed a friend's copy.
I've heard people talk about the way that Heinlein writes female characters and now I understand what they mean - there's a very dated, 70's male/female dichotomy going on that is a little distasteful and unflattering to both sexes in its stereotyping. my thoughts -
I thought the plot was entertaining, the writing style was fun to read and witty, and the ideas were interesting. Heinlein writes snappy, hilarious dialogue, which I really enjoyed, because it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when sci-fi novels are filled with descriptive text and wooden, unrealistic speaking. It's not earth-shatteringly profound in its ideas, but a fun read nonetheless. Much of the plot revolves around the role of religion in people's lives during the hypothetical future in which the book is set, and it's really eerie to read Heinlein's depictions of charismatic evangelical churches and compare them to their startlingly similar present-day equivalents.