A review by cabc
Footsteps in the Dark by Meg Perry, Z.A. Maxfield, C.S. Poe, L.B. Gregg, Nicole Kimberling, S.C. Wynne, Dal Maclean, Josh Lanyon


Mysteries + Romance - yes please!

I quite enjoyed this collection of mystery romances. Some definitely stood above the rest, but they were all fun reads.

My favorite by a mile was A Country for Old Men by Dal Maclean. I’ve never heard of this author much less read anything by them. Well, I’m glad I have now! This story grabbed me from the first page and was an absolute page-turner. I couldn’t get enough and would love to have more stories in this world; or even more about the main characters. The Scotland setting is gorgeous, the mix of English and Gaelic fascinating, and the narration plenty entertaining. The mystery wasn’t impossible to figure out, but it was fun watching the puzzle pieces come together.

I recommend this anthology especially to anybody who loves a good mystery romance. I’m glad I gave it a try; I don’t think I’ve read any of the authors involved, so this was a bit of a gamble for me. One that paid off well.