A review by raineachreads
The Golden Mole: and Other Living Treasure by Katherine Rundell

informative medium-paced


This was such a fantastic book to start 2023 off reading! It’s set the bar very high for the rest of the books I might read this year. Informative, fascinating and such an important message this will be one I’ll pick up to reread again.

The Golden Mole is like many books in that it tackles the subject of nature, the Earth and how we are destroying it. Unlike many other books though it addresses this subject from a different angle. Rundell encourages us to become curious about the natural world and the creatures we share our planet with. Providing insights into their lives and all sorts of facts you can’t help but read this and wonder as well as become more curious about various animals. In doing so you want to protect them and also realise just what could (and already is) being lost. From sea creatures to insects, large land mammals to those that are hardly seen (and in the case of the Golden Mole no human has yet to see one alive) a surprising amount is covered in a fairly short book. The conclusion especially provided a powerful punch to make the reader go away and think. 

I really loved reading this. It’s left me feeling sad and frustrated about humans and the changes that are happening fast yet it’s left me hopeful too. Hopeful that if we learn more about the world around us we will realise just how incredible, wonderful and complex it is and then fight all the more to protect it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.