A review by zoe_m
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne


Overall impression: What a shame.

The base of the story is delightful, even though I was VERY done with Lucy’s lack of self-awareness towards the end. This probably would have been resolved if it was more clear that this was her defense mechanism from the beginning, rather than being sprung in the last chapter. (I was afraid I wouldn’t like the book, because when I read a romance I need to know the hero’s into the heroine, which is most often done through switching POVs. But both of them are so obviously head over heels for each other from the beginning that it works—except for my issue above—with just her POV.)

However, I can’t forgive the blatant and continuous fatphobia. It’s egregious enough that I doubt I’ll read any more of her books. Mr. Bexley, Josh’s boss, is such a heavy-handed caricature that directly equates fat with only other negative qualities that I cringed every time he appeared in a scene or conversation. And it wasn’t an isolated character. There were enough other comments sprinkled throughout that I believe this is a systemic problem with this author.

In addition to this, towards the beginning Lucy’s lipstick is called “slit-wrist red.” Can’t say I like casual mention of self-harm in a romance.

It’s unfortunate, because so much about this book was great. But I can’t call this a comfort read, and I certainly am not going to recommend it.