A review by the_horror_maven
First Love by James Patterson


Okay, the first thing that I want you to do is do not compare this book to The Fault in Our Stars. Just because this book is a love story involving cancer does not mean that it copied The Fault in Our Stars or even tried to be it. Besides, A Walk to Remember came out before The Fault in Our Stars and that was a love story involving cancer. Just because an author decides to write about cancer in a love story does not mean that no author can ever write a love story involving cancer again.

That being said, I thought that this book was beautiful and heartbreaking. It was a story of first love and even though the circumstances were extreme, it did not make this book unrealistic because no one's first love story is ever the same. I loved the adventure aspect of this book and the relationship between Axi and Robinson. For most of the novel they weren't in a relationship and just best friends and it was really sweet. I highly recommend this book if you want an adventure that involves love and is a little tragic. It is a great young adult novel I would suggest for slightly younger readers, only because I remember how reading these books felt when I was a blossoming young adult and I feel that it would have hit me better had I not been in my twenties.

But that being said I thought that James Patterson did a great job and I find it amazing how good of a romance author he is even though he normally does mystery and crime. This book is worth checking out, but please also read Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by Patterson. It is a tragic romance novel as well and still haunts me.