A review by guiltlesspleasures
The Worst Guy by Kate Canterbary


My Storygraph notes:

- Killer first line
- Nice. Stremmel is 42 and Shapiro is 39
- I LOVE that this enemies-to-lovers setup is not really because of a stupid Romance Reasons incident but that they are both so fiery that they just literally can't be nice to each other.
- That was a perfect "fighting like cats and dogs and then BAM kissing" scene
- "Get that sweather off," I barked. "Show me those pretty tits." The way I laughed with delight!
- That was an extremely good hate f*ck
- The bubble suit "therapy session" 😂
- Kind of rolling my eyes at the women patting themselves on the back for keeping their names professionally. YOU STILL TOOK HIS NAME.
- Her friend Alex's texts when she's trying to work up the nerve to ask if she's banging Stremmel 😆
- Period shower sex!
- Stremmel, kind of out of nowhere: "No one will ever love you the way I do." MIC DROP
- I could have done with a little less "woe is me, I'm going to be alone forever" from Stremmel after he gets back from Jamaica.

So, I loved this, loved the MCs, was having the best time. But four stars because it dragged a little at the end and probably needed to be 50 pages shorter. Still. A great time.