A review by amblygon_writes
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin


I was so wowed by this trilogy that I read through all three in a huge rush and now need to try to untangle all my thoughts to come up with some kind of coherent review for book 1.

This is one of those books that falls into a particular category for me. I hear about the book when it's already quite popular, I sort of sneer at it because I don't want to believe all the hype, and it sort of sticks in the back of my mind. Either I buy it or I keep seeing it somewhere, but I avoid picking it up. And when I finally do pick it up, I'm sort of fighting against it, thinking I won't like it, and then I'm suddenly caught in it and I find that I can't claw my way out until I've devoured every word and reached the final syllable. (In case anyone's interested, two other books that fall into this category are The Way of Kings and The Name of the Wind...)

I don't like to write reviews with spoilers so this'll have to remain fairly high level (so many details are fighting to slip into this review!). I was astounded by how different this book was and by how much I loved that difference. Standing out can sometimes feel too stark, too jarring, but I really enjoyed how different it was so many of the fantasy books I've read recently. I liked the POV changes, the way the characters are tied together, and the depth and colour of the world. I was reading this as a Kindle book and was so shocked when I reached the end because I hadn't kept an eye on the progress percentage. In any case, as with the other books that fall into this category, I'm so glad I eventually picked it up.