A review by kimball_hansen
Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff: Declutter, Downsize, and Move Forward with Your Life by Matt Paxton


Wish I had the bonus pdf. This book was decent and semi-practical.

His mission statement: Help people simplify their lives by realizing the value of their memories.

If you think you'll use an item in one month then keep it otherwise get rid of it.

When moving, pack the toiletries last so they can be used until you're ready to leave and then they can be unpacked first when you get to your new place.

Ask these questions to your loved ones:
1) Where did you grow up? How long did you live there? What did it look like?
2) What did you do for fun in High School?
3) What was the first job you got paid for? And how much did you get paid?
4) Tell me about your childhood best friend and your best memory of him?
5) What was your first car?
6) Who was your first love?
7) What was your favorite place you have ever visited? Who were you with and how did you get there?
8) Who or what inspires you?
9) What is the most challenging thing you have ever accomplished and why was it so difficult? Why did you do it?
10) What is the one thing you want everyone to know about you when you are gone?