A review by harleyrae
Twisted Fate by Norah Olson


I had received this book as part of a goodreads giveaway
3.5/5 Stars
My God I just can't believe that ending! It was a mind blowing ending! So I literally just finished this book about 10 mins ago and have no earthly idea on how to wrap my head around this. So let my first off start by saying that sadly when looking for a page number I accidentally spoiled myself on what is a MAJOR twist. That being said I decided that I still wanted to keep an open mind and instead of wondering whats gonna happen next(I still did this, it got very intense there) I wanted to try and focus on how the author would get there and how it would all wrap up. With that in mind I was still blown away by the ending, the last 20 pages I literally had goosebumps while reading this. When I began reading this I decided to go into it blind, which I feel was a very good decision, so on that note I'm not gonna say what this is about, just that you should read it.

What I didn't like:
1. How at times the story moved really slow, I understand what the author was trying to do, it just kinda dragged on for a bit.
2. The set up of the novel, now this might not be the authors doing, but at the beginning of each chapter it would state whose POV it was, which was fine, but halfway through the novel it was decided that everyone mentioned in the chapter was gonna have there name on the top of the page. That made it a bit confusing, I preferred how it was the first have with only one name at the top.
3. How the parents were never around. I know this is a common theme within YA but these parents were literally nonexistent. I think if we had been able to get their POV it would have really added to the story.
4. The writing style. While I really liked this book, the writing style didn't help. For me this was the worst part of the book. At times it felt as if a high school student was writing it. For me this was my biggest issue.
5. Lastly, I didn't like how it was almost easy to guess part of the ending. There was many hints throughout the book that made it real easy to guess.

What I did like:
1. The multiple POV. Now I'm not one who normally likes many POV's but I feel that have so many really added to the story. It made you question what you were reading, and the sanity of all the characters.
2. Well of course the ending, I mean how could I not.
3. Now this might be contradicting what I said earlier but I liked how the pacing was, yes I still feel it to be a bit slow but overall it was a good choice. It really gave you a sense of the characters and allowed you to get the know them better. It really made the ending that much more shocking.
4. The idea of the novel, it really messed with you while reading this, but in a good way.

All in all I was very pleased with how this book turned out. I hope to get the chance to read more books like this someday!

P.S. I know many other reviews said that the grammar was horrible, I believe it had gotten fixed in the edition I was reading. I did not encounter as many grammatical issues as other people.