A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Prince of Thorns & Nightmares by Linsey Miller


I've been looking forward to this book ever since finishing Eric's story. I've grown up with the Disney classics and Phillip has always been my favorite Disney prince, mostly because he's the one who gets to fight a dragon and lives to tell the tale. It was only when I grew older that I started to question a lot of stuff in the Sleeping Beauty movie. I was therefore quite curious what the author would do with all those issues.

I have to admit that it took me quite a few chapters to really get into this book. Phillip was not the prince I remembered him to be (he grew into him eventually!), there was a lot of magic involved all of a sudden and I was really wondering where Aurora was gonna be in this story, since one of the issues in the original tale is that there is barely any Sleeping Beauty in that film. However, I pushed through and then the book started doing what I had hoped it would do.

All of a sudden the love between Phillip and Aurora is not just insta-love. It's quite impressive how the author basically took one line out of their duet and turned it into an entire backstory that even makes a lot of sense. And I really loved how Phillip and Aurora interacted with each other in their dreams. The banter was amazing, the moment they really started talking and seeing each other was lovely and their real life meeting all of a sudden became insanely cute.

The book also did an amazing job explaining why Phillip could just throw the sword and kill Maleficent. Basically all the magic in this book and Phillip's side quest, the reason he got his own book, is about the sword and the shield. And, the author also made sure that everyone would still be on the right path to meet with the story we've seen in the movie. And although we already know those parts, I'm glad the author described them in just as much detail.

I hope Snow White's prince will also get his own tale! I'm already looking forward to whatever comes next at least!