A review by lisarue
UX for Lean Startups by Laura Klein


I loved Laura's book. As I read it I kept on putting it down thinking "I need to put this down and go follow her advice IMMEDIATELY" and then I would pick it up because I wanted to learn more and hear more of her voice. Since I know Laura I could hear her voice advising, explaining, and gently mocking commonly-held falsehoods. The tone combines with the topic matter to break down pre-conceptions, to convince and teach.

Laura's advice is incredibly practical. Having just been through a startup I could immediately see what I could have applied, and working with other startups now I do get an opportunity to apply more ideas. Many ideas are only obvious in retrospect (like testing fake features when you're operating on a shoestring budget) and then even once the idea is obvious, there's great advice for making the most of the idea.