A review by youreadtoomuch
Little Star by John Ajvide Lindqvist


2020 Reread Updated Review: So this book is a lot. Yes, it's quite unlike any other book I've read because the author just threw any and all caution to the wind. It is indeed the most disturbing book I've read? Maybe. In Sweden, Theres is a child psycopath, murdering her adoptive parents looking for the love they supposedly have inside and eventually starting a cult of other teenage girls that commit atrocious murders to find happiness and feel alive. And somehow this is the part that is easy to understand and not disturbing at all? So some content warnings! Also in his dedications, he thanks Abba for the inspiration. Did we listen to the same Abba?

TW: pedophilia, attempted child sexual abuse, graphic depictions of sex and violence

2015 Review: This book is a great breather as in I feel I'm taking breaks along with it because it is divided into parts. Refreshing seeing that the last book I read that was broken down into parts was Dickens' Our Mutual Friend.