A review by _michelle_
Dead of Night by Erin Hunter



It only makes sense in my mind that a different Erin Hunter wrote this Survivors series than the Erin who wrote the last series, a different Erin who never read the previous installments. I heard, once, that the original Erin Hunter who wrote the first 6 books of the Warriors franchise always gives the go-ahead before any of the new writers using her pen name got their books published, but if that ever was true, she must be too busy to care now; or she needs money, and quality be darned. No way anything else makes sense to me.

This installment finds Lucky
Spoileremulating the Alpha from the original Survivors series, with blind hatred, pulling rank, fear mongering, and emotional abuse; and he even tries to employ the Alpha's cruel techniques towards Pack enemies. Storm loves Lucky as if he were her own dad, I get it, but she cuts Lucky way too much slack by always giving Lucky the benefit of the doubt because he's a father now. There's a difference between being a vindictive dumbass and a concerned parent, though, so I'm just furious at the unfairness of it all

At the end of the book,
SpoilerLucky apologises to Storm in the most casual way, as if all the torment he inflicted on Storm was nothing more than a squabble. The lame apology scene is followed by the Pack finally accepting what Storm was saying the whole book long, that there was a traitor in their midst. Storm attracted so much hate for trying to get the Pack to take heed to the dangers of a traitorous dog; can you guess who the idiots think it is?

I give this one more book. If it's the same old "Hate the Fierce Dogs!" then I'll turn my back on The Gathering Darkness series.

ETA: I've been turning this book over and over in my mind ever since I wrote the review yesterday, and the more I do that, the more I think that I may never actually read the newest installment that comes out in a few weeks. I have never hated book characters quite as much as I hate some of the characters from this book. I'm talking hate-them-as-bad-as-Voldemort-and-Sauron-and-Trump-and-everyone-who's-ever-kicked-a-cute-fuzy-animal-combined kind of hate. Anyway, I may get around to reading book 3 before I totally give up, but I cancelled my pre-order on Amazon.