A review by shadrachanki
Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar by Nancy Asire, Kristin Schwengel, Richard Lee Byers, Brenda Cooper, Stephanie D. Shaver, Tanya Huff, Mercedes Lackey, Judith Tarr, Kate Paulk, Janni Lee Simner, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Rosemary Edghill, Sarah A. Hoyt, Fiona Patton, Michael Z. Williamson, Larry Dixon


As with any other short story anthology, there were some stories in this that I enjoyed more than others, both in style and content. The title story was...something of a forehead slapper once I figured out where things were going (and it did take me a bit, since I'm not that familiar with Scooby Doo). A good portion of the stories were set outside of Valdemar proper, and some seemed only tangentially related to Velgarth at all.