A review by litwitleecee
Somebody's Wife by Robbi Renee


Somebody’s Wife by Robbi Renee, GIRL! This was an unexpected read for me. Unexpected in the sense that it wasn’t a planned read and I didn’t expect it to be this good!! I saw a fellow group member talking about how good this book was on Facebook, so I had to check it out. After I finish this review I’m gonna go thank her.

I really enjoyed this book. I was interested from the very beginning and now that I’m done I lowkey wish there was more lol. Jenna/Jules reminds me a lot of myself in some ways so it was very easy to relate to her (getting married young, being a young mother). Ezekiel was like the perfect cup of hot chocolate on rainy day (it doesn’t snow on Oahu lol).

Obviously in real life I would have some issues with the whole cheating thing (duh). But this is fiction and it was so damn good. I was literally yelling at Jules to do “bad” things when faced with decisions to make. We all know what temptation is like and that often times doing the right thing isn’t always fun or feel good lol. I feel like the author made me feel comfortable in siding with Jules when she did certain things… or maybe it’s just me lol.
Great book
I’d read more from this author… for sure
Definitely recommend!
4.75 ⭐️