A review by yetanothersusan
Whispers in the Alders by H.A. Callum


This was a beautifully tragic book. This was a love story between Aubrey and Anton, Bree and Tommy. This was a coming of age story but so much more. Please do not put it aside thinking that is all it is. Mr. Callum loved each and everyone of his characters, the good the bad and the ugly, and presented them to the reader to embrace. The story was so well laid out that the reader can almost imagine the author ending his writing day feeling a bit bittersweet as his story and characters grew. He held nothing back to in his writing and I frequently found myself rereading a paragraph or phrase, not because I had skimmed it the first time but because, just like the peace Bree and Tommy found in the alders, I felt the same in Mr. Callum's writing.

"Our rejection by everyone else drew us together. No matter what the people around us did to make us feel different towards one another, our compassion for each other's predicament prevent that split from occurring."

Isn't that the level of friendship everyone strives for? True understanding? Unbreakable acceptance? While this story is heartbreaking and beautiful, it does include some violence and child abuse. It was not included lightheartedly but should be noted for those that might be avoiding the subjects. However, despite these unpleasant topics, the book is well worth reading.

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and Sunbury Press, Inc, in exchange for an honest review.