A review by summerlithi
Agatha Raisin and the Dead Ringer by M.C. Beaton

Did not finish book.


Got four chapters in and just couldn’t do anymore. Every single character in this book, including the narrator, is a cruel, spiteful, unpleasant person. Every now and then the 3rd person narration dips into a side character’s head, but only it seems when they are having a nasty, judgmental thought about someone else.

The dialogue is almost incomprehensible in parts, with strings of short, almost stream of consciousness sentences that feel like they should be getting responses from the other characters in the scene but never do, the dialogue just ends and then, if you’re lucky, the last thing mentioned is acted on.

Dozens of characters are introduced, named, given an insulting physical description and then discarded. It’s like the author hates her own creations or else has the very low opinion of her fellow human beings.

This author apparently writes romances as well, but if they’re anything like the two page ‘love-at-first-sight’ affair, immediate breakup because he’s already married and miserable self-loathing wallowing that follows, I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole.

This is a murder mystery and all I’m hoping is that whoever did it kills everyone else in the story as quickly as possible.