A review by shadowsofwonder
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Alexander Freed


To be honest, I wasn't incredibly excited to read this book. I do love a good novelization every one in a while, but my last venture into the world of Star Wars novelizations wasn't very successful. I found the Solo novelization to be written and edited without any passion or love for the story, Star Wars and novelizations in general.
But I am a completionist, so when I reached the Rogue One era in my chronological adventure through Star Wars, I sat down and read it.

I was actually pleasently surprised by this book. Mainly because I didn't spot any obvious logical mistakes like I did with the Solo novelization. And even though I haven't seen Rogue One in a while and didn't always have a clear image of what was happening in the film, the book still did a good job of describing characters, actions and locations.

I didn't spot many additional scenes, but as I mentioned before, the film wasn't very present in my mind while reading this book, so I may have missed some scenes.
But I did notice that most of the scenes start a little earlier than they did in the film and last a little longer.
The additional "time" was mostly used to give the characters or the story more background and emotional weight, usually by giving the character an inner monologue.

While the film is very much an independent story, the novelization makes it seem like there's so much more to explore in the world of Rogue One and I can't wait to do this in other books and comics.

This book proved to me that Star Wars doesn't suck at novelizations and I am now much more excited about reading the others than I was before.
I also found myself understanding many of the characters much better after reading, so it definitely elevated an already great film even further.