A review by mythyagain
Eating Rome: Living the Good Life in the Eternal City by Elizabeth Minchilli


I received this book free through First Reads. I honestly loved this book. The author is an American who first moved to Italy at age 12. She takes you on a tour of Rome through food. You learn cultural differences, such as it is taboo to actually handle the produce you intend to buy at an open market. Other cultural tips abound, such as it's only socially acceptable to eat pizza or gelato while walking down the street. Each chapter contains several recipes and an entire chapter is devoted to artichokes. This book makes you want to visit Rome for the food alone and if that is out of your budget, you can armchair surf via this book. I can't wait to try some of the recipes. My only warning: don't read this book while hungry or you'll be tempted to gnaw on the pages of photographs.