A review by appalonia
Fear the Worst by Linwood Barclay


The one thing I like about Linwood Barclay's books is that they're just so readable. I always get pulled in and could easily finish one of his books in a single sitting. This one was about used-car salesman Tim Blake. His 17-year old daughter Sydney is living with him for the summer and is working at a nearby hotel. But one night Sydney doesn't come home, and according to the workers at the hotel Sydney never worked there. Tim tirelessly investigates to find out just what Sydney was into, and where she's gone. When Tim won't give up, someone starts setting him up to look guilty to the local police.

I liked this book but it wasn't quite on par to some others I've read of Barclay. The resolution to the mystery was okay but a little disappointing to me. I would have liked the story extended to cover the completion of the investigation, including a final discussion with the police investigator.