A review by bananatricky
Shadows & Dreams by Alexis Hall


Kate Kane, paranormal investigator, lover of the Prince of Cups, half-human daughter of the Queen of the Wild Hunt and employer of Elise, a live statue/sex toy (not for Kate I hasten to add, but for her maker who then got bored with her and left her in a car breakers' yard.

In this the second book in the series Kate is approached by a young woman, desperate to find her brother who appears to have disappeared from a London hospital despite having a broken leg. What she discovers is that someone is raising an army of baby vampires and setting them loose in London, against all vampire protocols.

In this we are introduced to two more of Kate's ex-girlfriends. Eve, a tech gazillionaire with a subterranean laboratory a Bond villain would envy, and Corin, a high-end art thief who killed Kate's business partner prior to the first book.

Can Kate rescue her client's brother, defend herself from charges of murdering a vampire Prince, stop the werewolves from going to war with the vampires, refrain from killing her psycho ex Patrick and his vapid new teenage girlfriend, stop Eve from getting herself killed hunting vampires, stay faithful to Julian and solve the mystery? Heck yes she can.

A brilliant fast-paced novel, full of snark and a series of action scenes that keep the reader on the edge of their Kindles.