A review by goddess_eve21
Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power; A Method for Getting What You Want by Getting Off on What You Don't by Carolyn Elliott

Did not finish book. Stopped at 39%.
I purchased this 4 years ago ... started reading it, and never finished it.

My goal for 2024 is to go through my self help books, and this was second on my list.

I only made it 39% into this book.

Although I agree with the author on the way humans repress things based on societal norms, where do you draw the line at morals? The reason why I ask that, is because in just 4 years, people's morals have declined dramatically.

So although I can appreciate the light being shed on us being more mindful on our wants and needs, I can NOT get behind the rest being applied to these times.