A review by chelsloukelly
At Night, I Become a Monster (Novel) by Yoru Sumino


3.5/5 Stars: ‘At Night, I Become a Monster’ by Yoru Sumino.
→ Age Range: Young Adult.
→ Genre: Fantasy, Light Novel.
→ Trigger Warnings: Bullying, Peer Pressure, Violence.

In-depth Rating:
→ Plot: ★★★★
→ Character Development: ★★★★
→ Setting: ★
→ Entertainment Level: ★★★★
→ Writing: ★★★

General Comments: While slow to present itself at the beginning, it builds slowly into a splendid story; an accessible story with a meaningful message. It does not give us terror by providing graphic creatures, rather, it makes us realise that humans and our behaviours are the true horror – it portrays and explores the message that intentions without action mean nothing, in the case of bullying.

Favourite Quote: “This empty, open school at night was probably the only place where she could breathe freely. Suddenly, I felt like for the first time, I truly understood what she meant by ‘midnight break’.”

Time Read: One Day.
→ Audiobook: No.
→ Audiobook Narrator: -