A review by kaitrosereads
Little White Lies by Katie Dale


Little White Lies incorporated everything awesome about suspense novels and everything action packed about young adult novels and combined them to make one awesome story. Suspense is hard for young adult but Katie Dale managed to craft a wonderful story that kept me guessing until the very end.

If you follow me on Twitter or Goodreads, you might have seen some status updates about the main character. She annoyed me for a good portion of the book. Her actions made no sense to me and I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t just give up. She practically stalked this guy Christian and every time he turned her down for a date she would not take the hint. It actually got to be a bit stalkerish (that’s totally a word.) I was quite upset with how she was acting and I just wanted to slap some sense into her. My feelings towards Lou changed about halfway through the book though. Christian wasn’t the only one with secrets and once Lou’s started to come out, her behavior started to make a little more sense. I can’t say too much without giving things away but just trust me that her behavior won’t annoy you so much once you get to a certain point. In fact, you’ll probably start to like her a lot, just like I did.

The cast of characters in Little White Lies were a strong mix of personalities. Lou was a little shy, quiet, smart, but with a great sense of humor. She was a bit awkward which only made me love her more. Her best friend, Vix, was her exact opposite. She was outgoing, a little crazy, and pretty much the perfect balance for Lou. Kenny was funny but there was just something about him that I didn’t love. He always seemed a bit sketchy. As for Christian, he was a hard person to get a read on. He was very mysterious and sometimes a little rude. I could understand why Lou was a bit attracted to him but I didn’t get her obsession. He seemed like any other guy just with a few more secrets than most.

The mystery is truly what kept me reading. It was hinted at early on in the story but I really had no clue how things would play out. I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out how everything was going to tie together. Katie Dale did a great job with that aspect of the story. Even if I could figure out one thing I’d be completely clueless about something else.

Overall, Little White Lies really is perfect for fans of suspense. I look forward to reading more from Katie Dale.