A review by thebrianikeda
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by William Stixrud, Ned Johnson


Answer the following two questions to determine if you should read this book:
1. Have you ever said, "I would never let my kid do the [legal] things I was allowed to do as a kid!"
2. Is watching your kid fail painful and uncomfortable?

If you answered "yes" to either question, you would get a lot from this book.

The best parenting books focus on how the parent needs to change, and this book falls into that category. A great reminder that the freedom to make ones choices is essential to development and success as traditional academics. My generation likes to joke about how unsupervised we were in our play, but I didn't realize how formative that was to my sense of self and capability until I read this book. A highly recommended read. A lot of the book will focus on older kids, but I wouldn't dissuade parents of younger child to go ahead and read it now.