A review by readtolive
The Weight Of Night (The Progeny #1) by C.L. Stegall


When I sat down and read this book, I really did not know what to expect. It honestly took me a little while to get into the novel, but once I hit the meat of the story, I was pleasantly surprised at what I found. I found a story that sucked you into the middle of it without warning and without you even realizing what was happening. I found characters that were likable and believable. I instantly felt a connection to Alexis Rain as the events of her life unfolded and could feel the emotions as a palpable being rolling off of her throughout the novel as her story unfolded.

I do not hand out 4 star ratings lightly, and while there were a few grammatical and spelling errors within the novel, I still feel as though the rating is warranted. It is huge for me to be able to ignore minor grammatical errors and still enjoy a story. I have been referred to as the grammar Nazi based on other reviews. Poor grammar is the fastest way to get me to not enjoy a story and yet I found that this was of little consequence here.

I feel that this is a must read for everyone who is a fan of fantasy, or who has any interest in mythology. Aside from some minor language, I felt the story line was related in such a way to reach a very wide audience. There are some mature scenarios that one needs to take into consideration but, with careful discussion from a parent, even the youngest fantasy and mythology fans can enjoy this novel. I was able to share parts of it with my 9 year old son who loves all things magical, mythical and historical. He was hooked and wanted to read the story too! This from the 9 year old poster boy for ADHD and the attention span of a gnat!

So, go, buy the book, read it. Enjoy it. Tell your friends. You do not want to miss this one and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store in the future. Thanks to AToMR Blog Tours for a review copy.