A review by melodicfate
A Midnight Dance by Lila DiPasqua


I'm a sucker for Cinderella retellings, so I've had my eye on this book for a while. However, I'm also not a fan of characters in disguise because of all the lies and angst it entails, so I've waited quite a long time to check this out. Finally, in search of something different, and because I wanted to read a historical romance as it's been a while, I picked this up. France in the 1600s sounded great.

I really liked both Sabine and Jules. Well, Jules was a bit of a snob at times, but I could kind of see why. And he did change. Still, he was also kind and caring, and I felt bad for him when things were revealed. I loved Sabine, with all her strength, loyalty, and determination. Together, the two were pretty explosive. The steamy scenes started pretty much right from the get-go. Still, watching them evolve from just physical attraction(on Jules' part, since Sabine had always loved him), to love, was great.

The plot revolves around Sabine trying to steal some silver Jules had captured. His father had been framed as being part of an uprising and so their family lost all their wealth and their title. Jules wanted to restore it just as much as Sabine wanted her family's finances fixed, since they'd been plunged into debt during said uprising. I was nervous waiting to see Sabine act her plan out, as she'd come disguised. I really didn't want her to steal from Jules, but knew she had to. When he found out who she really was, he became enraged, of course, and followed her home to get his silver back. From there, we followed them through revelations about family, treachery, and ambushes. I have to say, I was pretty blindsided by the main villain. I never would've guessed. And boy, was that guy ever evil and twisted.

Overall, I really enjoyed this. I mean, the angst was pretty heavy all throughout, and I was relieved when things got cleared up where Sabine's identity was concerned, but still. The setting was great, I loved the chemistry between Jules and Sabine, and the mystery of who had framed Jules' father had me guessing. This was a very unique historical, and if you're not opposed to quite a few steamy scenes, I definitely recommend checking it out.