A review by charms1976
Otherkin by Nina Berry


With a book that starts out with a bang, the reader would expect it to be amazing throughout the rest of the story. Unfortunately, while the story could have been amazing, it turned out to be just okay for me.

While I enjoyed the fact that this book focused on a female shifter trying to embrace her powers, for me that was the only thing that really seemed to set this book apart from others. The characters were bland, with no real substance and emotion. The characters seemed to roll with the punches and not express shock, denial or anything else before moving straight to acceptance of the weird things that happen. It felt like they had limited emotions and were afraid to feel anything more.

As other reviewers have mentioned -- and I agree on this -- the romance in this book is instant love and not believable. If anything, the only emotion that came from it was forced and lacking of any real spark. While the only saving grace of this book was the action, it wasn't enough to make me want to run out and buy the next book in the series on release day. This is one of those books that just left me with an okay feeling by the last page.