A review by kindlelovingmom
Bonding Games by Cathryn Fox


This book was fun, and sexy, and the setting was gorgeous. I enjoyed it a lot.

Holly is a computer geek, hoping for a promotion at her job, and she mostly keeps to herself. She moved to L.A. from New York, and changed her last name, to get out from under the thumb of her overprotective father. Her father has been very successful in business, and he has some enemies, which made him even more crazy about her safety. She is all about doing things for herself, as she's learned in her life never to rely on anyone else. The biggest issue with that philosophy that she's facing in her job, is that her boss believes to get the promotion, she needs to be more of a team player. So, here she is in "paradise" with a bunch of her co-workers, playing bonding games, and trying to get to know one another better.

Josh Steele is a former Navy SEAL, now working a security job for Holly's father. He sends Josh undercover to watch after Holly, due to a threat against her. He's been working in her office for a little while now, watching over her. Part of his mission is also to convince her to go back home to NYC. Josh would rather be anywhere other than babysitting this princess, and he's not enjoying the assignment. That it, until they get to paradise, and he sees sides of Holly he never expected. He's hooked, but he knows it's all going to blow up in his face.

Holly and Josh's chemistry was strong, and their banter was witty, and fun. I enjoyed all their interactions, especially when they were confiding secrets in each other that they hadn't told anyone else. There was an immediate trust there between them, and I loved it, but I was also sad knowing that it would be broken when Holly discovered the truth about Josh's motives. Though they were both trying to convince themselves there would be nothing between them once this week was over, it became harder and harder to believe. The pace of the story was quick, but it took place over 1 week, so it all fit perfectly.

I really enjoyed Josh's interactions with Holly's father, and his groveling to Holly of course! I do love a good hero grovel. He was definitely willing to do the work to get her back, and I love that. I really enjoyed this story, and I'm looking forward to more from this series.

ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Megan from Alpha Book Club
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