A review by sadnig
Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead




wow!! I was on the edge the whole time waiting for the next book!!
The first 30% of this book during Adrian's POV was torture. It was also weird seeing how no one was truly taking any real steps forward to help Sydney. I guess it could be chalked up to many people not knowing the re-education centers well but Sydney warned Adrian it was hell. He was so frustrating in this first half of the book. I understand Spirit sucked but he should've confided in someone about his feelings for Sydney. She was already in the re-education center what's the worse that could happen. He should've gone to Rose or even Dimitri and pulled a "You owe me card". Instead he was pitiful and pathetic in the beginning.
Sydney was great and her POVs were also well written. The pacing during her chapters was well written. The characters introduced had enough depth in them that you were rooting for all the center's captives to escape and live a fulfilling life. Carly's brief introduction was also nice. We finally got to meet the last or well the first in order Sage sister. I wish we had met Sydney's mother more but that wasn't a need.
Overall fast read!