A review by juliechristinejohnson
Births, Deaths and Marriages by Jill McGown


I had no idea that Jill McGown passed away in April 2007. I read this novel December 2006- the first McGown mystery for me.

I was enchanted and intrigued by Chief Inspector Lloyd and Det Sgt Judy Hill- partners on the force and partners in life. The characters have all the charm of Agatha Christie's cast and the mystery is of its age without the cynicism or maudlin tattoo sported by many a modern murder mystery. The marriage and professional lives of its chief protagonists lend the story a humanity and empathy that is utterly feminine but not hand-wringingly emotional.

I will place other Mcgown's on my to-read list, with a great sadness knowing there will be no new works to anticipate. R.I.P. Ms McGown- the literary world is all the poorer without your voice.