A review by kbkittyb
A Gift of Poison by Bella Ellis


I am genuinely going to miss these books. They are a true comfort...

I very rarely follow a series through to the end these days as there are too many rolling around at the minute to keep up with - but this one has had me happily hooked.

Although not my favourite in the series, this one still has the same indescribable charm as the others. In this one, Branwell is 'indisposed' so we have Ellen Nussey instead. She is an excellent friend, but I did miss the love for his sisters that Branwell portrayed in the earlier books. Oh Branwell! *sigh*

The plot itself is interesting, however, I didn't thoroughly enjoy the 'mesmerism' explanation; it felt a bit...easy. But, as always, it is clearly very well researched which really adds to the feel of the book. The literary easter-eggs for Bronte lovers are well thought out and very fun to come across.

The atmosphere and settings are exquisite! As a country-loving girl who has no choice but to live in the city, this book is like a breath of fresh air. I feel at home in the world created.

Are there a few slight gaps/inaccuracies? Yes. However, none hampered the enjoyment this series gave me. The characters are just too enchanting for that! Tabby will always have my heart.

I will greatly miss this series, but look forward to Bella Ellis's next enterprise. Would strongly recommend!