A review by fiekesfiction
Rainbows, Unicorns, and Triangles: Queer Symbols Throughout History by Jessica Kingsley Publishers

hopeful informative inspiring
“Rainbows, Unicorns, and triangles” is a good story for young children that introduces them to various queer symbols throughout history.
It includes many different identities throughout many different times and gives a short but clear description about what they mean, which is further explained and enhanced by colourful illustrations. I do not work with kids so would find it challenging to comment upon how understandable this book would be to its target audience, I can imagine that some parts would need to be explained a bit further by the person reading it to them, but I think this serves as a good conversation starter.

It did feel more like a list of different things than a connected story, but I think this is understandable and an inevitable part of the formatting of this book, especially as it tries to include different identities. I appreciate the range of identities that are included in this book, although I have seen some comments about the lack of mentioning Disabilities, which I think would be quite helpful and not that difficult to include for example the clear communication of  lanyards or symbols like the forget-me-not flower. It is understandable that creating a comprehensive list of every symbol is not possible, but deciding which things (not) to include then becomes a difficult and possibly problematic task.

Overall I think this is a great book to exist and a very nice introduction to some of the symbols and ways of communication of queer identities throughout history.