A review by clacksee
Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits


Sigh. And then pause. And then another even more dramatic sigh.

I'll admit, I fell for the blurb. After all, it is a very good blurb.

This book is presented as being a non-fiction covering the life of a female scientist – a 'brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys’ club of science with her groundbreaking discoveries'.


In fact, this book is the screed of a thoroughly discredited former scientist who is mostly known for peddling misinformation about vaccines. This is her magnum opus about how the real plague is the existence of autistic people and immunocompromised people.

If you want to read a book about brilliant female scientists doing ground-breaking research, go look up Jennifer Doudna, Elizabeth Anionwu, and Sarah Gilbert. Or any of a million others whose work hasn't been thoroughly discredited and who aren't on an ableist mission to rid the world of people like me.