A review by books_and_cha
Strobe Edge, Vol. 1 by Io Sakisaka


I cannot begin to express how much I love this series. I adore our protagonist, Ninako - she's cheerful, good and a complete sweetheart. She's so strong, and my heart hurts for all the pain that she goes through after she falls in love with Ren.

I really like Ren as a character too. He's a great person, but he has his flaws: he hesitates too much. It takes him a long time to learn to act on his feelings. That's all a part of his character development, and in the end, he learns to be more human than before. Ninako brings out a side of him that is unfiltered. She breaks down his walls and reservations till all there is is just pure Ren. It's hard for him, but also incredibly good for him too.

In contrast, Andou doesn't hesitate at all. He goes all out in pursuing his love for Ninako, and even though I wasn't rooting for him, I did feel bad when he realized Ninako would never love him.

The thing is, if you look at the basic plot of this series, it's completely cliched. I should hate it because everything that happens in this book has happened before. Girl falls for guy with a girlfriend, second lead comes in and there's a love triangle, etc. I loved how Ninako was never swayed from her feelings. She was never confused about Ren. Once she fell in love with Ren, she didn't stop. She really loved him - it wasn't just infatuation.

The way Sakisaka Io portrays all her characters is very generous. Even the bad guys have their reasons for being as they are. Every one is seen as flawed, human, imperfect. Just the way I like it.

This series gave me all the feels. I found myself rooting for Ninako and Ren the entire way - I was sad when Ninako was hurt, and happy when she was. I also squealed internally several times whenever the two had a moment. I love them together. I also just love this entire story - the characters, the plot, the feeling it gives me. .

I felt like I was there with them the entire time, completely immersed. The world of Strobe Edge has become so important to me.
Completed II: June 7, 2017