A review by sirwilhelm
A Snake's Path by Kenneth Arant


This was unfortunately not as good as the first.

It turned out to probably be the most fast paced book I’ve ever read, after the first 25% or so. Too fast paced honestly, and at the expensive of good plot and dialogue. It’s like the author had key points and features he wanted to include but didn’t know how to fill the in between, really forcing the story along.

I didn’t agree with some of the big events in the beginning but in the end they didn’t even seem to matter.

The ending was very rushed and I’m not even sure if there will be a third book but there probably will be with a “big bad” still out there.

The book is very crunchy but sacrifices a lot along the way to make him advance more quickly.

I enjoyed it, and you’ll still like it if you enjoyed the first book. There washing so much happening it would have been better paced into 2/3 books instead.