A review by allonsyalexa
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson



I was going to just give it a 4 because though I still found it good, the pacing was really slower, and there was so much angsty feeling for Vin that I found it annoying. Nevertheless, when the climax of the book came... Wow. And the battles. Wow. And how everything started to make sense. Wow. Twists and mindblowing stuff happened in the end that made the somewhat slow pace totally worth it. Wow. I enjoyed reading about political maneuverings and battle tactics much more than I thought I would. I know a lot of people don't like how it sets the pace down but I personally like all the scheming so there.

I really loved how the characters were played out. Sure, characterization is not the author's strong point, but I hated some with a passion (ahem, Straff Venture and Zane) and loved some better than the rest (hi, kandra and Sazed!) and that was enough for me. Also, the magic systems (Allomancy and Feruchemy) are really impressive, and never cease to amaze me. Until now, I am still in awe of Vin and her powers, even though there were several instances in the book where I didn't like her very much. There's always something new to find out about this world, and it keeps me eager to learn more. For that, I have to commend [a:Brandon Sanderson|38550|Brandon Sanderson|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1201547425p2/38550.jpg] for his crazy mindbending abilities.

I just didn't like the drama and some stuff that were quite cliche (we could all do without the love triangle), but it wasn't enough to dampen my enjoyment.

Like I said, this was supposed to be just a 4 but I'm adding an extra half star because I realized that I genuinely enjoyed it in the end. You know, I didn't even plan to marathon this trilogy but it seems like I'm going to have to read the third and final book, [b:The Hero of Ages|2767793|The Hero of Ages (Mistborn, #3)|Brandon Sanderson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1312051231s/2767793.jpg|2793516], just to have some peace of mind. I'm really glad I decided not to wait to read this!


Don't get me started on my feelings while reading this book. I got depressed for almost the whole day when I read about the battles and the implications of some events, and if you know me, you would know that means a lot. My goodness.